Wednesday, October 7, 2015

DJ Emir Master of The Mix Audition

Hey clan and everyone out there! Here is my Master of The Mix 3 Minute audition video. In addition to the dj mixing it also includes a few small clips of me at the Shaolin Kung Fu School doing tiger tail sweeps and flying leg scissors plus one handed cartwheel kicks etc.

If any of you guys wants to try out Shaolin Kung Fu you can visit
and if anyone wants to pick up a few mixtapes from DJ Emir or needs to hore a good DJ for your parties visit or contact 303-995-0875 or

Shaolin Clash of Clans Clean Up

Had to kick out a ton of people again for not using their attacks in the war or for being stingy with donations. It's been rough lately finding new quality members, they either don;t donate or don;t attack in wars or both. We have a good solid set of 17 Main members right now that all do well we just need to add another 10 or  more good players. But always wading through the muck to find those rare gems gets a little tiring.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Mass Witch 3 Star Attack On Max TH10 - Best Clan War Attack Ever? Clash ...

Another expensive but effective attack strategy is an all witches and heroes attack

At 250 per max level witch this is very expensive in terms of Dark Elixir costing a whooping 250x20= 5000 dark elixir which I swhy I personally prefer balancing my arttacks with different troops. But I may start using 4+ witches in the future Mixed wth Golums and pekka etc... Probably closer to a GoWiWI or Go Wipe. I am the leader of my clan and a lot of times I donate often, so much so that I hit 7000+ troop donations quite often. And with everyone always wanting different troops I have to keep a pretty diverse army anyway, so I tend to have slight fluctuations in my troop configeration each time I attack. I tend to go with a balanced approach of 2 Golums, 1, 2 or 3 pekka 2 witches a shitload of wizards and a few archers then go all in, sometimes I throw in a few baloons or a few hogs if I notice people ask for those in their troop requests.

Four Jump GoWi Attack Guide - 3 Starring Max TH10s - Clash of Clans Stra...

Using 4 Jump Spells with GOWI attacks Instead of Rage or Heals to get 2 or 3 stars on Maxed TH10 Bases that are shaped for circular style defense like large square bases etc that are meant to have your troops circling around the base.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Shaolin Clash Of Clans 1 Year Anniversary Coming Up At The End of August!

The Shaolin Clash Of Clans 1 Year Anniversary Coming Up At The End of August!

The clan was started almost a year ago on August 30th 2014 so we are quickly approaching our 1 Year anniversary and now with over 20 new members I want to make sure we can remain a good strong clan of 40 members that support one another with great troop donations and great team work and attacks in the clan wars. I'm hoping we will have a great start to the second year by winning several wars the way we used to when the clan was first formed. This was 6 months after I first started playing Clash of Clans Back in Christmas time of 2013.

Before that I had played a similar Clash of Clans style game Called Jungle Heat, Which I still play under the moniker "MasterKiller"  in the Clan "RealKings" under our leader AngryKing. MasterKiller also happens to be my chosen Chess Player Name as well on Yahoo and other chess gaming  communities. I pretty much understood Clash of Clans from the beginning having played Jungle Heat for almost a year prior to joining COC. So it kind of gave me a head start in my upgrade process and attack strategies. I started first with upgrading collectors as fast as possible so that I could collect more loot faster to facilitate faster upgrades of towers walls and other items. On Clash of Clans I'm known as myself DJEMIR

Shaolin Clash Of Clans

The Shaolin Clan has gone through a lot this past year and I am always very appreciative of all the great folks that have stuck it out through thick and thin remaining ever so loyal to the clan no matter how many wars we've lost by mere stars. A few stuck it out for almost a year then recently left promising to come back when their lives aren't as hectic and a few others I've been sad to see go. I hope they will eventually find their way back so we can all prosper again like the good ol days when the clan was first formed. 

See you on Clash of Clans, Till then keep on clashing.

Shaolin Clan Currently at 40 Members

Our Shaolin clan on Clash of Clans has now reached 40 Members again. Hopefully this time we have several members that will remain with us and will donate often and attack in wars so We don;t have to kick them out.

Currently the Roster consists of

2 Master Level Members
3 Crystal Players
26 Gold Members
9 Silver Members

for a total of 40 Members.
The Clan is currently set to Request to Join and Trophies set at 1400 our
Clan ID is: #RR982Y
we are currently a level 4 Clan

Our current roster of 40 members can be seen below

Shaolin Clan Roster August 6th 2015

Restructuring Clan To Start Winning Wars Again

Since the introduction of clan wars one of the most frustrating things is when your clan loses wars because of a few inactive players that just don't put in their attacks or that don't donate often enough so that others can put in their attacks in a timely manner.

Our clan used to do really well with wars in the very beggining. We won most of our wars then One wrong person became CO-Leader and kicked a few good people out and rebuilding the clan from that day has been rough. We have had a rash of new members that have pretty much sabotaged the rest of our war efforst consistenly lossing by just 3-8 stars each war.

I have probably kicked out about a thousand people within the past 5 months for lack of attacks in wars and each war has been close when we should have won by a landslide. Ending up keeping only my Co's and  Elders then rebuilding again and again. We are constantly getting closer to finally turning our war record back around and I know that until it turns around completely the good players always will look at the war record and run away scared instead of realizing they are the ones that can easilly help change that for the better.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Queen Is Dead Series

Everyone at the higher levels understands one thing that has been understood in war for centuries take down the highest head and usually the rest of the army will follow. Often wars can be stopped and won with just one kill... the right kill. Take out the top general, the president, the dictator of a country and you can subdue the rest. It is similar in Clash of Clans often times the Archer Queen can sometimes hold off an attack almost by herself and your attack may hinge on one factor.... Cutting Off the Queens head... OFF with Her Head!

Our first video shown here shows how Lavahound Pups chase down and kill the Queen kind of like she's a portable air defence unit. a few others show alternate attack patterns and The queen vs Hogs... if you don;t take out the Queen she will kill the hogs fast.

A few strategies include luring her and then using Barbarian King to whack off the Queens head or The Lavahounds to take her out or sets of wizards and balloons etc... check out the how to 3 star videos below to help you in your war attacks.

Coming Up On Our 7th Month: Meet some of our great members

Our Clan Shaolin on Clash of Clans is coming up on it's 7th month pretty soon we will be 1 year old. The clan has gone through extensive changes only a handful of the original members remain and we have been struggling to find new quality members.

I am the leader DJEmir of I try my best to get everyones donation requests handled if they arent filled already by our other members. I used to be the highest donating member in Ghosts Clan and as such remained the highest donating member in the Shaolin clan as well often hitting donations in the 4000 to 6000 range each 2 week season .

Superkoso who's been with us since nearly the very beginning remains as one of the more helpful Co-Leaders and has joined me in The Game Jungle Heat in our Clan "Real Kings" on there. So far Superkoso is the only member of the clan to have ever beaten me in Donation amounts. He beat me one time when I became a little extra busy with design work and has come very close a few other times. Superkoso and I both often hit donation numbers in the 3000 to 6000 range

"Chief Killer" has been in the clan since the very beginning and remains a helpful member and has been making great progress with upgrades and attack tactics.

Faunlormic is the only member that I know personally through our Shaolin Kung Fu Classes at the Denver Shaolin Center on 7174 Washington St. Denver, CO. I have known him for several years and recently found out he also played COC so I invited him in. He's a very busy guy but still manages to always get his 2 attacks in every clan war.

Burri became a member a while back and has always been helpful and generous in donations. A good war attacker and a consistent player I promoted him to coleader rather quickly and he's been with us ever since.

LadyBeewoods has an uncanny ability to read my mind about certain trouble maker players. I tend to give them a little more benefit of the doubt thinking I'll give them one more day to get their act together and get their donations up whereas she tends to just kick them if they continue down the dark path. She usually kicks people just a day before I get ready to do so making my life easier LOL. She is very generous with troop donations and is a helpful player that also will offer advice if asked. Very glad to have her as part of our team.

CapnPlague is another one of our oldest standing members and often gets 3 stars in his war attacks. And is another great Co-Leader in the clan. Whenever we are down in points and him and I still have attacks left I always think of Capn crunch and say "You n The Captain can make it happen" LOL Though it probably means CAP N Plague as in Cap a person's base, I have always read it as CAPTAIN IE...Capn Plague LOL

We've had a few others that have come and gone Like LuckyCharms, dragonelf and a few others but our current war loss streak tends to scare people off. Once we find a few more great members like the ones mentioned above and a few others we currently have in the clan we will start turning that war streak back around. so Come Join Us... Together we can rule the galaxy!

Clan Name: Shaolin 
Clan Level: 3 (Almost 4)
Clan Tag: #RR982Y
Current Members: 40/50
War Frequency: Always
Current required Trophies: 1800 (sometimes lowered to 1600 and even 1400)
Wars Won: 14
Total Current Trophies: 18564